We are an international network of passionate, dynamic and creative worshippers.


Breathing In, Breathing Out

We see journeying with God as a continuous flow with two main directions which are intrinsically linked: “Worship – breathing in” coming into Gods presence and “Mission – breathing out” taking Gods love and presence out to the world.


Getting Involved…
Upcoming Events

We specialise in releasing people into freedom to worship creatively with the whole of who they are; body, mind and spirit. Come and join us at one of our upcoming events and find your unique way of moving!


Courses & Workshops… Raising the Profile of Creativity in Worship

Our vision is to be contagious: To model and inspire others in movement and dance. We have danced and taught at Churches, events and conferences throughout the UK and all over the world. Find out about the various courses and workshops MIW can offer.


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"I have such amazing memories of the 2012 Scotland Summer School with some real breakthroughs in my life and some special times with God in the city, on the course with an amazing group of people, and while roaming Arthur’s seat. They will remain deeply treasured memories. "

− Douglas Quinton, UK

"I expected an open door for me in this workshop – but it was much more than I thought. I found a universe behind that door! I was set free to express what I wanted to, and I found in Andy and Kirsty people with the same desire and heart. From this day on a journey began and I´m so thankful for this ministry because they encourage people to try different things, to set people free –it´s amazing. "

− Simone, Germany

"Moving in a housing estate in Edinburgh, nobody was around except children who were drawn to the colour & sound of our movement. But as they drew towards us, they tried to steal the flags & mock us causing a disturbance. But as we continued to move, suddenly there is a shift! It was like a subtle change in the wind. There was simple unified movement happening & peace began rolling over the children and they tried to either join in or watch. It was beautiful."

− Rachel Whitby, Watford


We believe generosity is a form of worship. As we grow and expand what God is doing through Movement in Worship we value the support of our friends across the world. If you would like to come alongside Movement in Worship financially, please follow the link below. Your offering is gratefully received.