Movement in Worship is a relational network. One of the ways we outwork this is by establishing bases.

We currently have several different regional Bases in the UK and in countries across the world and one online Base – info about each of these is below. We hope, in time, to see other new Bases arise both in-person regional and online. Each base has a Core Team which includes local / regional Church oversight providing covering, anointed movers, teachers and practical support personnel. They outwork differently depending on the needs of their regions.

Regular courses, from the range of different courses on offer, are run at these bases. The bases aim to train up local people to promote MIW in their region. Teams from each base also travel throughout their regions teaching workshops and dancing at events:


Online Collective Gathering

05 April 2025 at (Time: All Day)Online Base Meeting

03 May 2025 at (Time: All Day)

Online Base – English Speaking

Launched in Autumn 2021, this is a new concept for us.  Meeting online via Zoom this Base connects together MIW people from across the world.  This is an English speaking Base, and we hope, in time to see some other online bases in different languages emerge.

The Online English speaking base is led by Michelle Tennens, Brig Baylis, Shannon Gifford, Jeremy Tucker, Sandra Barton, and Anna Shadbolt; a team made up of MIW Collective members from the UK and USA.  Meeting monthly, they will worship, pray and reach out online in the same way that our Bases across the world do.

To contact the base, email

Contact Details



Creative Movement with Staffs | Bognor, UK
26 April 2025 at 10:00 am - 4:30 pmTribe Gathering Weekend | West Sussex, UK
26 September 2025 - 28 September 2025 at 5:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Brighton – England

City Gate Church

Movement in Worship began in Brighton, supported practically and financially by City Gate Church.

There is still a strong focus on worship and creativity there. Regular MIW workshops are hosted there. In recent years the team there have been involved in developing and regularly hosting two initiatives to outwork the “worship – breathing in”, “mission – breathing out” rhythm. The first being ‘…Stepping Beyond’ a creative worship event which happens every couple of months. The second ‘Oasis Life.Rhythm.Spirit’ an outdoor missional event which takes our worship into the community.

The Brighton Base Team is led by Adele Peck, Juliet Fuller, and Alison Beard.

To contact the base, email


Birmingham Base Meetings
29 March 2025 at 10:30 am - 4:00 pmEssence School of Worship & Mission | UK
31 July 2025 - 04 August 2025 at 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Birmingham – England

Churchcentral Birmingham

The Birmingham base is fully launched and active. For many years we have been aware that there has been a gap in MIW activities in the Midlands. This has been in response to the surge of people wanting to connect and take on the vision and values of ‘Movement In Worship’. It is an exciting time for what God is doing in the Midlands concerning movement. A partnership with Burn that meets bi-monthly, has been established, with movers from the base supporting what God is doing through musical worship.

The Base is led by Prinith de Alwis Jayasinghe, Drew Crow and Kate Organ.  Spiritual oversight is provided by Owen & Anna O’Brien from  Churchcentral Birmingham.

To contact the base, email


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Colchester – England

Kingsland Church

The Colchester Base was established in 2017 and meets once a month on Tuesday evenings at Kingsland Church. People come from across Essex for a creative worship adventure, exploring dance, drumming, banners, staffs, mime, art and poetry. Members of the Base regularly participate in mission and work with the local churches to bring colour and vibrancy to the streets as they join outreaches across Essex.

The Base is led by Michelle Tennens, Susanna Harrington, Louise Howitt and Dave Watts. Spiritual oversight is provided by Neil Loxley from Kingsland Church. To contact the base, email


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

South East London – England

South Croydon

The South East London base was established in 2015. They lead training and facilitate Movement in Worship at workshops and events across London and the South East. Recently, they have developed partnerships with “I Will Worship – Scott Moles and
Friends” and Croydon Burn 24-7.

As a resource base, they provide creative banners for worship. For more information visit

The base is led by Desmond and Claudet Hedman who are supported by a committed team of movers. Spiritual oversight is provided by Pastor Delroy and Co-Pastor Caroline Smith of Paga Outreach Ministries.


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Watford – England

In recent years many key Movement in Worship people have been clustering together in the Watford area. This base is emerging in response to all God is doing here.

The Watford Base Team is led by Rachel Whitby, Mel de la Ford and Justin Watkins and spiritually overseen by Helen & Tim Roberts from Wellspring Church, Watford.

To contact the base, email


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Edinburgh – Scotland


The Edinburgh Base Team head up Movement in Worship across Scotland. They are involved in facilitating creativity and dance at various events, in particular Glory in the Cowshed.  Scotland has provided the location for many of the Worship & Mission Dance and Percussion Summer Schools. In recent years the team there have been involved in developing and regularly hosting two initiatives to outwork the breathing in (worship), breathing out (mission) rhythm.  The first being the Next Wave – a creative 72hrs of worship several times a year–and the second ‘Spirit Rhythms’, a missional event which takes worship and connects with people in venues like Caffe Nero and Costa.

The Edinburgh Base Team is led by David & Maggie Hewitt who run the Wellsprings community, a house of prayer and worship. They are assisted by Judith Forbes and Rachel Hewitt.  See their website for more info on events.


Banner und Flaggen Workshop | Graz, Austria
05 April 2025 at 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Amstetten and Vienna – Austria

MIW Austria was started in Amstetten through Karin Steiner, and since then the group has met monthly. It has been supported by MIW trainers from Berlin (Gosia Reichenecker) and Milan (Maria Paola Rimoldi).

In 2017 the Lord opened a door to the Vineyard Church in Vienna and following this Andy, Kirsty and Alexandra Weber (Germany) came to do workshops.

One of the highlights was the Discipleship Training Course (Intensivkurs) in Amstetten in 2019. 28 worshippers from all across Europe (Germany,  Hungary,  Slovakia and Austria) took part in this course and a special network of people was formed.

The heart of the base in Amstetten and Vienna is to flow in the Holy Spirit through movement, teaching other to move freely in worship and prayer and to show the love of the Father to the world. They have a vision of a network of worshippers who would change and bring freedom to their country and Europe.

MIW Austria is led by Karin Steiner and the team includes Maria Paola Rimoldi (Italy) and Gerda Fielder. Spiritual oversight is provided by Helmut and Margit Resch, who are the leaders of the Vineyard Church in Vienna.

To contact the base, email


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Berlin – Germany

Go Worship

The Berlin Base emerged from Movement in Worship’s involvement in heading up the dance team at the Calling All Nations – a worship event held in the Olympic Stadium in 2006. This base is the outworking of partnership between the UK and Germany.

The base is hosted by ‘Go Worship’ a city-wide worship ministry headed up by Alexandra Weber. See their website for more info on events. Alexandra heads up MIW in Germany and there’s a committed team based in Berlin headed up by Gosia Reichenecker and team.


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Bratislava & Podolínec – Slovakia

The Slovakian base members are part of two fellowships: River of Life from Podolinec and Calvary from Bratislava. Both fellowships have arisen from the Redemptorists Monasteries in Catholic tradition. Their vision is for Mission with Worship and Evangelism – and they have been connected to MIW for many years.

The base has grown out of the desire to bring people closer to God and discovering how dance and movement can do that. It started with a few but over the years many more have been released to be free to move in worship. The relationship with MIW has grown from relationships with the Edinburgh base. Rachel Whitby and Rachel Hewitt first went to teach MIW workshops in 2003 in Podolinec, and Rachel Whitby came to teach on an EU-funded Creative Worship school for young people from across eastern Europe in 2005, and has continued building relationship with the Slovakians since then.

Over the years as more members were released into the freedom of moving in worship, many of them joined in with MIW activities including a Scotland Summer School in 2004 and the Calling All Nations Berlin Olympic Stadium worship event. A small MIW team also came to support a city wide mission in Bratislava in 2010 led by Andy Au – and with percussionists led by Terl Bryant.

Since 2017 there has been a renewed and stronger connection with MIW, with teams coming to teach every year responding to an urgency to ‘kick open a door’, to go closer and serve others, because we feel exactly this – movement brings us closer to our God. The Base started in 2019 and is led by Michal Senko and Martina Gurkova in Podolinec and by Katarina Dorkova and Katarina Kurucova and Veronika Zamkovska in Bratislava. Spiritual oversight is provided by Father Michael and the leadership team of River of Life and Calvary Fellowships.


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Chennai – India

YWAM Beach Centre

The India Base began in 2004 when a team from the UK went to teach on the YWAM School of Worship. Since then teams have gone each year to teach on Movement in Worship. The YWAM students have used movement for worship, intercession and mission all over India and in Nepal and Sri Lanka. Many former students are now church leaders and worship leaders still finding that what they learnt through Movement in Worship is effective and useful.

The Beach Centre is lead by Cheryl and Richie Kleinman. See their website for more info.


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Southern States – USA

Alabama – Louisiana – Mississippi – Tennessee

The Mississippi base began in 2011 with a Movement in Worship event hosted by Charlotte Leonard and Raised Praise Banners, that gathered many participants from all over the USA.

Since that time the Movement in Worship family has grown and developed across the southern states. The base now also includes Alabama, Louisiana and Tennessee.

The team leaders are Terry and Charlotte Leonard (Mississippi); Debra Overby, Shelly Foster, Lisa Young (Louisiana), Rhonda Bonner (Tenesse and Alabama). For more information visit: base-movement- in-wo

Key partners are Christian World Missions and spiritual oversight is provided by Johnny and Debbie Buckner from New Horizons Christian Fellowship in Starkville, Mississippi.


No events are scheduled right now, but we are planning events for the future. If you are interested, please contact

Texas – USA

The Abbey Church

The base is hosted by The Abbey Church which is led by Paul and Perrianne Brownback. See their website for more info on events. The Texas Base Team is led by Janelle Mongomery.

We regularly travel to the USA and have also have key relational partnerships there in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alaska.