We gathered from across Europe, leaving families and work behind to join together. We moved and made rhythm, we celebrated together, we blessed the land and we created a bubble of peace that impacted passers-by in ways we may not know.
Like the fish, hidden just under the surface of the sea, the things of the Kingdom are close at hand. The things of greatest significance are the intangibles, difficult to measure, but of profound impact: deep relationships among us – a noticeable unity; strong emotional responses from those watching – tears and dancing; a call for us to return; people drawn to new levels of creativity and intimacy with our heavenly Father.
In our moving and rhythm, we planted seeds. We drilled deep. We danced in the river. We battled and we reconciled. We threw out sparks of joy. We carried, we lifted, we bowed down, we stretched out, we echoed a heartbeat, we rang out bells, we chimed, we were quiet, we were loud, we were slow, we were fast. The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is close, it is tangible. And in our dance, in our drumming is the Kingdom of God made manifest, incarnated in the party-streets of one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Thank you all for bringing such joy and exuding Love to the heart of Lagos Portugal the Gateway to Europe