Intercession workshop – In person, Berlin, Germany- 12th September 2020
It was a special day in a special time. People came from all over Germany to participate in the workshop and move in prayer and intercession for our country.
Despite all the restrictive rules, we were able to be one in intercession. God touched us deeply, set hearts free and confirmed callings.
In the afternoon we went to the nearby park where we prayed for freedom and unity and blessed the city with God’s colorful vibrancy.
Here is the feedback from one of the participants:
“I found the people in Berlin to be searching and open. Already on the way to the park in the afternoon we were often addressed and asked what we were doing and what it meant. A wonderful opportunity to tell others about Jesus. It has also become more natural for me – even without many words – to simply point out Jesus. I feel that my personal barriers have been broken down and I don’t have to hide. I also had the impression that Jesus moves in the city and we can be at his service. I have been very encouraged by this day and have great hope that repentance and revival will come, that the Holy Spirit is already working mightily in our country and that Jesus has not yet “written off” Germany.“ Silke