What a wonderful weekend we had at the Big Church Festival this year. Once again a team of movers, rhythm makers, and supporters gathered in West Sussex to raise the profile of creativity, movement, and rhythm in worship. We were blessed by an amazing team and beautiful weather, even the wind enhanced our worship.
We worshipped on The Avenue, with our focus on Jesus and the cross and opening wide the gates of heaven to let the Spirit flow through. Encouraging bystanders to join in at times, on Sunday we were joined by a couple of passionate warriors for God who led us in flocking in a powerful way.
We chatted on the MIW Stand in the EXPO marquee where we made new friends and shared our passion for creativity through our words, movement, and rhythm.
We worshipped in the Field of Fun, joyfully playing with the fire of the Spirit and encouraging children and adults alike to playfully and joyfully worship with us. We were especially blessed when one little girl led us in worshipping in swirls to her delight and the delight of her mother.
And we worshipped in front of the Main House, taking authority over the land. We truly believe we blessed God’s heart with a desire to worship him with all that we are.
And we had some laughter and fun thrown in for good measure too!