Welcome to our NEW Facebook page! We’ve previously been using a ‘group’, but this is going to gradually be phased out over the next few months. Please click on the…
We are well into our Training The Trainers course, having completed day 3 & 4 in Germany at the end of January. There are 14 people attending, from Italy, Switzerland,…
We are delighted to invite you to these all-age community events in the new year! There will be an exciting range of activities which will include a drum circle with…
Come and join us for…Stepping Beyond Worship nights in 2014. The evenings will be hosted by City Gate Church and Movement in Worship with a variety of musical friends joining…
A very “Merry Christmas” to all our fantastic Movement in Worship friends and family from the MIW Central Office Team. We love and appreciate you all and look forward to…
On Saturday 7th December we held our “Christmas Special” Oasis Life.Rhythm.Spiritevent in the Brighthelm venue and gardens. There was no shortage of Christmas spirit as we sang Christmas carols, drummed…
We are delighted to be running our second Training The Trainers course in Berlin, Germany. We have 14 people on the course from Italy, Switzerland, Austria, UK and all over…
This was a brand new MIW workshop creatively exploring the 7 “I Am’s” of Jesus using movement. Jesus said “I am the Bread, Light, Gate, Good Shepherd, Resurrection, Way, Truth…
For three days we joined together for a time of extravagant outdoor worship and prayer across the Mississippi Delta with the Delta Force prayer team; in Louise, Mont Helena and…
We had a great time at Providence Church partnering with our friends in Louisiana. Our focus for this workshop was moving both individually and corporately in prayer and intercession. We…
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