We love hearing about the adventures of our MIW Collective members. Anna Griffin from Inverness recently travelled to Israel and we thought we’d share some of her report and the pictures of her dancing and interceding in movement overlooking Lake Galilee and Jerusalem.
First 3 photos … “In an area overlooking Lake Galilee, where Jesus lived in the first three years of his ministry and performed many miracles in and around the lake. We connected with some locals, praying for restoration in their land. In a worshipful dance we took authority over the barrenness speaking new life to sprout forth in abundance releasing the hope of all HIS glory and joy, calling for the land to grow and sustain life and commanding the springs to bubble up and overflow with HIS living water creating sustainability for the future and generations to come.
Last photo … The Mount of olives is part of the route from Jerusalem to Bethany, this precious place excited and impacted me deeply. Releasing his heavenly refining purification into the land in the very place where Jesus wept over Jerusalem for all captivity to be set free to live in peace and love in the land. Overlooking the Temple Mount and City Walls.”