On Saturday 16th October Movement in Worship Collective members gathered together again after two years both in person in Brighton and online from across the world to worship, move, pray and have fellowship.
Our theme for the gathering was “greeting, reconnecting and celebration” and that summed the time up beautifully. Whilst it’s frustrating not to be able to be in the room with international friends due to Covid travel restrictions, the hybrid element meant that people joined us from Austria, Brazil, Germany, Italy, India, Slovakia, USA and across the UK. People fed back that it was like “being in the room” it was very powerful and beautiful watching people engage and worship from their living rooms, halls, gardens and mountain tops!
The time was hosted by Andy Au and Kirsty Jamurath. We began by centering ourselves on God by doing the God Salute together, led by Naomi via video. In person we exchanged gifts, blessed one another in movement, drank Desmond’s fabulous fruit punch, explored Celtic connections got lots of fabric out and enjoyed going deep into the prophetic together. When we entered the hybrid time we were warmed up with sounds and movement by Louise in Brighton and cooled down by Shelly in Louisiana – it was deep! Maria from Italy led a movement chain of greeting which went around the world and back and Carmella in Brighton inspired us to choose and enter in with JOY! We shared photos, videos and testimonies of the last year and especially the “out for the summer” mission and intercession activities that many of the MIW Base engaged with. A huge thank you to the incredible tech team who made the whole thing possible.
Our plan is to gather again next year – in person and online. Please do join us! Also please remember that you don’t have to wait until then, please do engage with your local base or join the online English speaking Base from wherever you are. Or come to one of the online workshops or events, dates and info on these will be released soon …
Let’s keep reconnecting and celebrating the creativity we have in worshiping our God together.