February saw two of our Bases (Birmingham & Colchester) flying the flag of faith in worship as they hosted in person and hybrid Moving with Banner Workshops.
On Sat 25 Feb Colchester hosted their first hybrid banner workshop which saw around 43 participants gathered online and 10 in person from across the UK, Europe, Africa, Scandinavia, USA, and the Middle East.
A week later on 4 Mar, 15 people from Birmingham, and others who travelled from the Black Country, Wales, Leicestershire and Derbyshire gathered together! More than half the group new faces to the Birmingham Base, some of whom had responded to the call of God to attend, one even stirred by God to book at 3am!
There was a sense that God is birthing something new in some and revitalising others who hadn’t moved in worship for years. The highlight in Birmingham was seeing the response to the use of the rainbow billow and the ‘holy moments’ in the worship session. There was a real sense of drawing deeper into this expression of worship for all who attended. This just goes to show how powerful and biblical moving with banners (flags and props) is!
Online attendees of the hybrid workshop spoke of a sense of connection despite not being ‘in the room’. One participant totally new to MiW commented that they felt enabled to try out what they had learnt the next morning in their Sunday gathering, partly because the workshop had been streamed to the Sunday gathering location.