Last Saturday we gathered most of our MIW Base Leaders together from across the Globe.
Over this last year of restrictions and lockdowns our Base leaders have had to think creatively and adjust how they met, worshipped and supported each other.
In this meeting it was great to hear how some base have thrived during this time – where taking their meetings online has meant more of their members were able to attend than before.
Also some of the Bases, especially those in Germany have been faithful in taking their worship outside and doing mission on the mountains and at the Brandenburg Gate – praying over their cities and countries with movement.
We also recognised for others this has been a time for rest. We took the opportunity to hear from each other, be inspired and prayed together.
In looking forward we are encouraging our Bases to take their worship outdoors and do more Mission- and encouraging others locally to be involved. So watch this space for information about opportunities to be involved.
To find out more about our Bases – their leaders and locations – click here.