Movement in Worship was honoured to be invited back to Big Church Day Out again. The event was hosted at two venues this year: the stunning grounds of Wiston House, Sussex as before, and a new venue in equally stunning grounds of Capesthorpe in Cheshire the following weekend. MIW drew together different teams for each venue, with Movers and Rhythm Makers joining together to create times of colourful, dynamic worship at different places around the site. A particular highlight this year included leading a movement prayer from the main stage each day.We move and drum and rattle and flag and chime our worship in the avenues, among food stalls, surrounded by hay bales, and watched from fairground rides. People engage with us, stop to watch, and are drawn in by the colour and the rhythm. Our workshop in the afternoon is always well attended, wonderfully lively and rather noisy. People say: ‘We love seeing you here every year’, ‘You create a sense of peace’, ‘We love what you do’.
Look out for us next year at Big Church Day Out. In the meantime, see other things we are doing.