This year was the last year for Clan Gathering in Scotland, we were given greater freedom than before. We had a great time helping facilitate others in worship in the main sessions and tabernacle times. We were able to release something of Gods heart for Scotland through the movement prophetically at different times during the week too. We had opportunities to bless others with a time of focussing on movement in a workshop type setting, doing flocking and moving to scripture, then moving into a time of worship. One of the main speakers Chris Duffet wrote this about the movement at clan after the event. “I felt God speek to me through the exhuberant worshipers. I couldn’t help but dance at the service at our local church the Sunday after CLAN even though no one else ever does! The exhuberant worship, dancing and flag waving spoke to me about how much do I give in my worship of the One who is worthy of it all?”