Creative Movement – Oxford November 2023

17 November 2023 No comments yet 1

On the 11th November MIW were excited to be invited by Salt and Light Advance to teach MIW’s core workshop on Creative Movement in Oxford.

Daniella says that participants caught the essence of MIW surprisingly quickly; they loved the DMS and are hungry for more. They really appreciated having such a relaxed and safe space to explore their movement in and to be creative in.

It looks like there is now a small group of women from the workshop who would like to meet up more regularly to do MIW together. Prayers for us to be able to find a time and venue that everyone can make and for God’s breath over MIW moving forward in Oxford 🙂

Thank you Andy Au for bringing your passion, energy and compassion to Oxford; to Justin Watkins for stepping in to help teach; and to Brig Baylis for willingly volunteering at short notice and for being attentive to those in need.
