Returning to Starkville, Mississippi was a joy as it’s like returning to family. Overall it was a very good time, lots of new connections, very strategic, a lot of hard work and fun. The team was Andy Au, Kirsty Hallett and Desmond Hedman and we were hosted by Charlotte and Terry Leonard ‘Raised Praise’ and ‘Christian World Missions’ who let us use their building for the conference.
We enjoyed connecting with New Horizons Church and one of the highlights was a vibrant youth evening worship meeting. We worked our way into the worship, which then broke out into widespread participation by the church. It was a very powerful time.
We taught a weekend Banner conference drew people from many states, some who have attended our conferences before, but many new people came to it as well.
Many were encouraged and impacted by the teaching and the worship times. One of the videos that were taken went slightly viral reaching 112 thousand views on Facebook. This has raised the profile of MIW even further, which we are grateful for.