On 30th September we had the annual MIW Collective Gathering in Brighton. It was a great time for over 50 of the family / tribe of Movement In Worship from Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Scotland and all over England to be together. To bond, to worship, to be inspired by each other and to hear what is happening round the UK and also internationally.
Andy and Kirsty presented a strategic view of MIW, how we can all play our part in “raising the profile of creativity in worship and mission”. We physically explored how we have been journeying with the vision and where we can all continue to fit in.
In the evening we had an amazing time of worship, drumming, dancing, painting and fellowshipping. It was corporate, vibrant, intimate, inclusive, organic and relational.
If you missed this year’s gathering, know that you were missed as part of the family. We bless you for the coming year, please try and come next year as it is always a rich blessing to re-engage with each other before God.