We have just had a crazy weekend in Augsburg. Doing a two day seminar focused on Worship, Mission and intercession. The twist was to take this out into the market places and also to the gates of the City. Parallel to this was a conference which was about the release of the Holy Spirit through the Augsburg Gate.
So Kirsty Hallett and Jana Loop anchored the seminar and Alex Agbor with the Berlin core group went to the conference, with Andy Au oscillating between the two.
The time in the City Centre was very powerful, when we arrived it was raining, but as soon as we started to dance the rain eased off. This was hugely encouraging for the delegates. The trip to the gates was a long walk, but was rewarded by a fantastic time opening and closing some key spiritual gates over the city and region.
This was followed by a city wide Christian event, where many of the churches gather in an open air arena to worship God and to express the unity that we have in God. We had the privilege of dancing at this event, it was an amazing time that was appreciated by many people. A fascinating thing happened at the end of the event. We were finishing off the meeting the gates were being opened for the people to leave. As the Christians were leaving, passers by who heard the music and saw the dancing started to come into the arena. Creative, passionate worship draws people into the presence of God.