Wow! Seems to be the most often used word to describe the recent Tribe Weekend held in the beautiful grounds of Dalesdown Conference Centre in West Sussex.
A total of nearly 80 of us gathered mostly from the UK but some from overseas and online. We were blessed with good weather from the first day. Old friendships were quickly re-established and new friendships quickly formed. After a delicious supper, we were able to gather around an amazing bonfire to share worship, warmth, and testimonies.
The next morning began with an outside prop exploration (aka playing with flags, staffs, and anything else). We were then joined by our day visitors and together we warmed up and creatively moved, as we explored dynamic mass sculpture around the theme of Stretch, Cover, Reach.
Stretch, Cover, Reach is about growth, spiritual growth and physical growth.
Inspired from the picture of a skin being stretched out to dry as part of the process of turning it into something new and purposeful despite being something that only came into being because something else had died. The tabernacle was covered in animal skins that had been died red and embroidered together to create a covering for the curtains, golden walls and was integral to the protection and creation of the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant rested. If you look at Exodus 26 there are many layers of curtains made from finely twisted lines and blue, purple and scarlet yarn. Then there is the ram’s skins dyed red (vs 14) and over that another covering of durable leather. (See Exodus 26:1-14). The multiple layers and colours are incredible and so vibrant! Lots of wonderful thoughts to draw out there.
Mid morning there was the choice of 4 workshops; Creative Movement with DMS, Children’s Movement, Well-being, and Rhythm, as well as a taster session of Incarnate which is in its early formation stages.
On Saturday afternoon we were joined by those online and continued to explore the theme. We were encouraged to:
“Stretch out your body to worship – in every direction and way. Extend yourself in worship and prayer, it’s a choice to take this journey together. As we stretch and are willing to be stretched we naturally begin to cover the ground, the more we stretch the more ground we cover. Physical places, new situations and different relationships, the ones that God has and is causing us to encounter, our perspective is expanded. Here we find a deeper understanding of our purpose and the things that God is inspiring us to care for and be a part of. In the process of stretching and covering we can’t help but find that we are reaching outwards to places we didn’t know we could reach with the love and transformational grace of Jesus.”
On Saturday evening we were led in worship by Tim and Anne, during which we experienced the touch of God in both gentleness and power.
We were so blessed by our time together and all those who gave their time to make it happen and run smoothly. It is always great to get together with our Tribe of movers and rhythm makers. We are so looking forward to next time.