In mid February, movers gathered from across the southern US and beyond. MiW Founding Director, Andy Au, and Licensed Teacher, Michelle Tennens, travelled to the US having drawn the weekend together at short notice after feeling inspired to do so.
The weekend began with a shared meal at a great restaurant. Back at the house where most of the tribe were staying, the fun continued when a worship session brewed up with colourful tealights.
On Saturday, the Tribe weekenders were blessed by Mosaic Church, who were so welcoming, that even their sound tech joined in. There couldn’t have been a better venue or atmosphere. We started with a refresh on UMV (unique movement vocabulary) and DMS (dynamic mass sculpture) as taught on the Creative Movement Workshop. This kicked off an amazing time with a variety of aspects including moving with a massive parachute-like banner with cow bells, streamers, and moving in all types of ways.
On Saturday evening we shared a meal in the house which challenged the US and UK food divide in a fun way. Pasta bolognaise was something of a new experience for most! A redemptive prayer session hallmarked the evening and took things really deep. It was new territory for most and called for a vulnerability which blew minds and souls. The Holy Spirit broke in and we were reluctant to stop and go to bed.
Setting aside this time to connect and worship was more special than words can describe, firing us up for whatever God has for us next. Praise the Lord!