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03 May 2025
(Time: All Day)

Online Base Meeting

This year we are guided by the Apostle Paul, to practise a simple yet profound instruction Jesus gave: “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’” (Luke 10:5).

Though following Jesus’ instruction may seem straightforward, how often do we actually do it? What holds us back? Could this simple act unlock the power of God’s kingdom in a fresh, transformative way wherever we go?

Together, we’ll learn, practice, and make this a habit. We’ll take it to heart, put it into action, and see what changes in our lives and communities. As we journey you can be sure that by the end of the year, something will have shifted.

The Apostle Paul understood the significance of speaking peace. Every one of his letters begins with the greeting: “Grace and peace to you from God our Father.” He didn’t just write those words—they carried power. And now, we get to live them.

Here’s what to expect:
Each month, our Base meetings will explore Paul’s letters, which encouraged, strengthened, and comforted the early churches. Drawing inspiration from his example, we’ll find new ways to support and build relationships within the MIW community worldwide. There will also be opportunities to connect more deeply by visiting each other—online and in person.

Email for further information.